Paris – a city designed to be modern.
The city – the locus of modernity.
Media – new technologies.
Modernity – class divisions – more noticeable, becomes obvious.
Change of working patterns – work takes over your life, free time is rationed.
Time standardized – because of trains.
Modern – to be moder is to be new, cutting edge, contemporary, good, positivity, improvement.
Modernity – the condition of living in the modern. 1790 ish – 1960. Modern society.
Modernism – crosses every genre of society, individuals subjective responses to the modern and modernity.
Alexander cabonel ‘birth of venus’ 1863.
Not a response to modernity, fantastical, kitsch, traditional style, doesn’t aim to be new.
Venus – god of love, flirtatious pose.
Manet ‘olympia’ 1863, doesn’t look.
Clear class divide, shes a prostitute, banned from the salon, shocking, a critique of what art was, challenging pose, strong, experienced woman.
titans venus of urbino 1538. Fantasy of the ideal – male.
Gustav corbet – origin of the world 1866.
Photographic composition, no face, just tits and fanny.
Picassos – les demoiselles d’avignon 1907.
5 prostitues from his favourite brothel, based on African masks he stole, a new style, new aesthetic, inspired by sequential images.
Callibotte – le pont de l’europe 1876.
References new idea of flaneur, shows class divide, the new replacing the old, the bridge revels in its modernity, new technologies, inventions.
Caillebotte – jeune homme (1875)
Caillebotte – a balcony (1880) overlooking the new world.
A style that tries to be new, pointelism, made up of dots.
Spare time is controlled, on a break from the factory in the background.
Degas (1876) l’absinthe.
Underside of modernity, reflection of not all good.
Alfred Stieglitz – ‘the hand of man’ (1902) shows the trains, lifes quicker, seccularisation – mans world now, not gods world.
Negative – look what mans done.
Positive – look how weve changed the world.
Alfred Stieglitz (1903) flatiron building. Controlling nature and dominating.
Giacomo balla – visual attempt to capture the speed of a car going past.
Futurist – key modernist movement.
Gets rid of all the conventional rules of typeography.
A new technique of printing onomatopaic . thought war was the ultimate modern thing.
Herbert bayers san serif typeface – form follows function.
Bauhaus – embraces new technology and materials, practical, functional, impersonal, international.
International language of design that can be understood by anyone.
Modernism in design
Anti historicism
Truth to materials
Form follows function
3 photographs of things found on travels which are modernist.
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